A devastating incident has shaken the community of Chicago's South Shore neighborhood, where 17-year-old DeJohn Garrett, a local teen rapper known as "FatDrench", was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head. The Cook County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed Garrett's identity after his body was discovered in an alley near the intersection of 80th Street and Colfax Avenue.
According to the Chicago Police Department (CPD), officers responded to a report of a person shot around 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. Upon arrival, they found Garrett's lifeless body in the alley. The CPD believes the shooting likely occurred approximately two hours before Garrett's body was found. A passerby reportedly discovered him in the alley and called 911 to report the grim discovery.
Earlier in the evening, 911 calls had been made regarding gunfire near 79th Street and Yates Boulevard, a location monitored by the city's now-deactivated ShotSpotter system. The CPD has not released additional details about potential suspects or motives. Detectives from Area 2 are leading the investigation.
This tragic incident marks the 20th shooting death reported in Chicago since the decision by city officials, including Mayor Brandon Johnson, to discontinue the use of ShotSpotter technology as a cost-saving measure. The controversial decision has drawn criticism from some community members, who argue the system could have aided in reducing violent crime or alerting authorities sooner.
The CPD is urging anyone with information regarding this incident to come forward. Tips can be submitted anonymously via (link unavailable), or by contacting the 4th District Police Station at (312) 747-8205. The death of Garrett, an aspiring rapper, has sparked an outpouring of grief on social media, with friends and fans mourning his untimely passing and sharing condolences for his family.
This tragedy underscores the ongoing challenges of gun violence impacting Chicago's youth and communities. As the investigation continues, the community remains in shock, and the CPD is working tirelessly to bring those responsible to justice. The senseless loss of DeJohn Garrett's life serves as a stark reminder of the need for continued efforts to address gun violence and ensure the safety of Chicago's residents.