In Jertih, a tragic incident unfolded when an autistic man, reported missing after leaving his home on Thursday, was found drowned in a tributary of Sungai Keluang Hilir near SM Imtiaz Besut in Kampung Raja. Acting Besut police chief DSP Md Sani Md Saleh confirmed that the body of 26-year-old Muhammad Helmi Azman was discovered at 11:44 am, following a tip-off from the public. The victim's body was found stuck on a tree branch in the creek, and initial assessments suggest he had been dead for over 24 hours due to the state of decay. The police have classified the incident as a sudden death.
The police had earlier received a missing persons report from Muhammad Helmi’s mother, Senah Othman. She reported that her son had left their home in Taman Pesiaran Limbongan, approximately one kilometer from where his body was found, between 2:30 pm and 4 pm on Thursday while she was asleep. Senah explained that her son, who suffers from severe autism and is non-verbal, often cannot find his way back home if he leaves the house unattended.
Since Muhammad Helmi's disappearance, local villagers and family members had been diligently searching for him. The community’s efforts came to a sorrowful end when his body was discovered. Senah expressed her profound grief, stating that despite their relentless search, her son was found lifeless.
The discovery has left the family and community in deep mourning. The community had rallied together in the hopes of finding Muhammad Helmi safe, highlighting the strong sense of solidarity and concern among the residents. This incident underscores the challenges faced by families with special needs members and the importance of community support in such critical situations.
As the investigation continues, the police are committed to providing closure and support to the grieving family. The sudden and tragic loss of Muhammad Helmi has brought a somber mood to the community, reminding everyone of the vulnerability of individuals with special needs and the importance of vigilance and care.
The local authorities are expected to continue their efforts in understanding the full circumstances surrounding the incident. Meanwhile, the community stands in solidarity with the family, offering their heartfelt condolences and support during this difficult time. This tragic event serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the communal responsibility to protect and care for the most vulnerable among us.